Sunday, February 14, 2016

How I use my Oils Everyday

You just got your Premium Starter Kit, so exciting!!!
Open it up, get everything what??!!

Ill share how I use my kit to help you start out. 

First get a big glass of water, in a glass cup, & put in 2 drops of lemon.  Drink up!!
Helps your body detox, non toxic, good for you water flavorings.   Remember 8 glasses of water a day!

Best part of the Essential Oil Kit for me is the diffuser!!  Goes on every morning & every evening.  Our family go to is Thieves!  Smells amazing, but also kills germs & bacteria in the air. 

No into the shower.  I have changed over all of our skin care products to natural, non toxic, chemical free products.  I make a few things also.  Below is my Face Serum & Face Cleanser I use every day.  Lots of goodies in there including Frankincense.  Amazing for skin care. 

After the shower, my perfume.  Stress Away!!!  Working mommy of 2, wife & Type A personality - this is a must have for me. 

I drink lots of water threw out the day.  Another fav of mine is Citrus Fresh. 

Lets see, I use thieves on my feet to help boost my Immune system.  On kids every day as well!
RC for my Sinus pain & issues.
Peppermint for belly issues, alertness, mental stimulant.
Panaway - Arthritis pain, sore muscles
 I will be offering a Medicine Cabinet Makeover Class coming soon!!

At bed time, Lavender!!  On our feet.  Use in a spray bottle on our bedding. 

Are you interested in starting an oily lifestyle???
Want to get your own kit of 11 bottles of endless possibilities??
If you would like to join my team, contact me & lets chat! 
Member #2403978

Already on my team, Ill help you dig in!! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Winter Skin relief with Oatmeal

Since I was little little, I remember having eczema.  Cool tubs, gross thick lotions & ointments.  But even as little, I remember mom using oatmeal sooth my skin.
I have made something like this years ago when my sons eczema was bothering him.  He was a baby, I made it as a bath soak.
This winter in the North East has been drastic temperature changes for 2 months!  This flares up my skin so horribly.   I would rather something quick & easy to use in the shower.  This helps with the itchy dry skin, as well as the redness you develop from Eczema. 
You have to learn what oils work best for your skin.  Lavender is the Go To skin soother.  I also found Cedarwood to relieve the itch a great deal!  These were my pics.  The oatmeal is the true star in this bath wash.
This is what I use, easy to find in Stop & Shop. I bake with it often also! 
Here is the recipe I came up with
Lavender Oatmeal Bath Soap
  • 3 Cups of water
  • 1/4 cup rolled oats
  • 1/4 Castile Soap
  • 1 teaspoon Vitamin E
  • 2 teaspoon Avocado oil
  • 10 drops of Lavender essential oil
  • 8 drops of Cedarwood essential oil
Boil the 3 cups of water.  Put oats into a bowl & pour boiled water over them. 
Let sit 2 hours.
Strain the water & throw out the oats, the water is cloudy, its ok!  Its the oatmeal goodness!
Wisk in remaining ingredients & fill your Glass Container little less than 1/4 way.  Fill the rest with water.  Give a good shake before each use. 
This is just one new must have in my homes Holistic all Natural skin care.  I only use Therapeutic Grade Young Living Oils in all my blends.  Its by far the most amazing out there!!!
I am also a Distributer & looking to build my team.  These oils have made such a positive impact on our lives, I want to share with everyone!! 
Back to old school, pure, natural ingredients, No Chemicals, No Toxins!!
My Member ID: 2403978
I would be more than happy to chat with you & help you make the lifestyle change!

Friday, January 8, 2016

playing mad scientist!

~  Making my own beauty products using Young Living Essential Oils  ~
I always create my own face wash & face serum, so I thought I would share the recipes with you!
Have you ever sat with a store bought skin care product & google each & every ingredient??  ScARy!!!!!!
What you apply to the skin is absorbed into the blood stream in under a minute.  Those toxins are on & now IN your body.

 So creating & making oily goodies, I often feel like a mad scientist!  After all it is mixing oils & making potions in pretty glass bottles.  And these oils are like Magic Potions.
I guess you would categorize me as having aging skin.  At 40 something I want to fight wrinkles, improve circulation, enhance skin tone. 
Since I enjoy research, I have collected lots of notes about different properties & uses for each oil.   
I like to lay out wax paper when I work.  Makes for easy clean-up and protects the table. 
Always use glass when using essential oils.  The oils can eat away at plastic & be transferred to your skin. 


Here is the recipe for the Face Soap:

I filled the bottle just under a 1/3 of the way with Castile Soap
  • 1 teaspoon of Sweet Almond Oil
  • 1 teaspoon of Rose Hip Oil
  • 4 drops of Melrose
  • 8 drops of Lemon Oil
  • 4 drops Tea Tree
  • 4 drops Lavender
Then I finish it off with distilled water.  Give a good shake before each use just to be sure its all combined.
Castile Soap - I used Baby Unscented as gentle & mild base.   
Almond Oil- soothes dry irritated skin.
Has Vitamin E that helps to fight wrinkles.
Rev's up circulation & renews cells
Rosehip Oil- increases collagen production
Brightens & tightens skin.
Restore elasticity
Melrose - a blend of Rosemary, Clove, Tea Tree, & Nanouli
Great for skin cleanser.  Reduces inflammation. 
Lemon - Cleanses toxins & is antimicrobial
Tea Tree - Disinfectant & antibacterial
Lavender - Soothing on the skin, helps with irritated  skin

Here is a pic of all my goodies for the skin care.  I use only Therapeutic Grade Young Living Essential Oils.  Amazing Company!!! 
I also create my own Face Serum.  Here is that recipe:
2 Teaspoons of Rosehip Oil
2 Teaspoons Grape Seed Oil
10 drops Lavender
10 drops Cypress
12 drops Frankincense
5 drops Melrose
Grape Seed Oil- Restores elasticity.
Diminishes the appearance of fine lines.
Brightens with Vitamin C.
Regulates oil production.
Rosehip Oil- increases collagen production
Brightens & tightens skin.
Restore elasticity
Lavender - Soothing on the skin, helps with irritated  skin
Frankincense - Great for skin!!  Helps tone & tighten skin.
Melrose - a blend of Rosemary, Clove, Tea Tree, & Nanouli
Great for skin cleanser.  Reduces inflammation. 
Lavender - Soothing on the skin, helps with irritated  skin

These lotions I pick up in Target and I add my own oils to them.
Why spend tons of expensive cleaners & face products, when you can make your own!!  Research what you may use for your skins needs. 
A great addition to add is Geranium!  I do not have it yet, but wonderful for the skin. 
I would luv to hear what has worked for you!
Happy Blending!!
~ Bunny

Monday, December 21, 2015

Holiday Gift Ornament DIY

Detox Foot Soak Gifts I created using my Essential Oils

So the Holidays are around the corner & its Gift Giving Time!  Teachers, bus drivers, coworkers, you get it......

I was looking for fairly inexpensive festive gifts, quickly & easy.  Home Made is always better than store bought in my book!  You took special time to create something special just for them.

Working with Oils, you learn quick a few standards.  Such as the pores on the bottom of your feet are the largest.  Takes less than 30 seconds for the oils to reach your blood stream.   The more oils you use the better you feel!  The receptors in your nose are the fast transport to your brain.  So just inhalation is very powerful!

I have a small tub, so I do Foot Soaks often.  Nothing beats a soaking tub, but you got to do with what you have!  This being said, I figured just a foot soak maybe easier for other folks to use as well. 

You want relaxing, calming & refreshing in a good foot soak.   


The base of the soak is

Epsom Salt & Baking Soda

Epsom Salt- high in magnesium & sulfates offering great health benefits! 
  • Reduces inflammation
  •  Lifts mood & eases depression
  • Helps muscle aches & pains
  • Draws out toxins from your body

Here is my staple recipe I always use, 2 ingredients!

1 Cup Epsom Salts
1/2 Cup Baking Soda
Now add your favorite Essential Oils.  6 - 10 drops should do it.
For this batch I used
6 Drops Peppermint
3 Drops Pine
3 Drops Rosemary
and I added some organic rosemary spice for texture. 
Smelled woodsy, minty, fresh & amazing!!
Peppermint is amazing!!  Cool, minty smell & has anti-inflammatory properties.
Rosemary aka "dew of the sea" reduces itch & irritation, helps with dry skin.

After mixing it all in a large bowl, I used these clear glass ornaments as the Salt Soak Holder. 
Holding over the bowl to catch what falls was the easiest way I found to fill.   I filled mine half way, so it is roughly 1/4 cup in each, perfect for a Foot Soak. 
 Then decorate & make super cute!!  I used just red & white twine with some jingle bells.  Some pretty ribbon to hang & your all done! 

My co-workers just loved them!!!  Something special made just for them, sharing health with just the right amount of holiday cuteness.
Happy Gift Making my oily friends!